Mrs Bentzien
Autumn Term Information 2024
My name is Mrs Bentzien and I am the year 2 class teacher. I am also the school SENDco (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator), Senior Mental Health Lead, Computing subject lead and KS1 lead.
Mrs Franklin teaches Art, PE and Religious Education on Monday and Tuesday afternoon (during my allocated SENDco time and SLT time).
Here is our class timetable for AUTUMN 2024
Homework is handed out every Friday and needs to be returned by the following Wednesday.
Mobberley Reading Journey – Our Favourite Five
Autumn Stimulus Text 1: How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth, by Michelle Robinson
The children will find out about the features of instruction texts. They will learn how to use time connectives and imperative (bossy) verbs. The children will work in pairs to follow different sets of instructions. The children will then make a Smores biscuit and write their own set of instructions.
Autumn Stimulus Text 2: Jack and the Baked Beanstalk, by Colin Stimpson
The children will learn about the features of diary entries. They will learn to write in first person in role as the character of Jack. The children will look at and compare different characters in fiction stories. They will take part in drama activities before writing their own diary entry in role.
SPaG – The children will be focusing on using time connectives and imperative verbs. We will look at different sentence types, including command, question and statement sentences.
Reading at Home – Please see information regarding Book Bands. Once your child has completed the Little Wandle Reading spine, they will be moved onto Book Bands. Book Bands for Parents
Our focus this half term will be Addition and Subtraction and then Shape. We will continue to work on different strategies for addition and subtraction. The children will solve word problems using the RUCSAC method. We will then move on to 2D and 3D shapes. The children will name shapes, find shapes, sort shapes and learn shape facts.
History – The Gunpowder Plot
This half term our focus will be history. The children will learn about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. They will create a timeline of events, take part in drama activities and write letters in role.
Geography – Exploring Africa
The children will learn about the continents of the world. We will then focus on Kenya, the children will use maps and atlases to locate and label the capital city and key locations in Kenya. We will compare the human and physical features of a rural town in Kenya and our local area of Mobberley.
This half term we will be learning about materials and their properties. The children will sort and classify materials by their properties, they will describe different materials and sort man-made and natural materials. The children will take part in a comparative experiment to find out which materials would work best for a rain coat.
Scientist Study: The children will find out about Charles Macintosh and John McAdam.
PSHE (Jigsaw) – Celebrate
This year we are continuing to use Jigsaw for a whole school approach to PSHE (Physical, Social, Health and Emotional learning). Each class has their own Jigsaw mascot – Year 2’s mascot is called Jo.
Our new school unit is called Celebrate. In this unit, the children will discuss their similiarties and differences. They will think about the ways they are all special and unique. They will celebrate their character strengths, with a focus on Love and Kindness, Love of Life, Teamwork, Bravery and Honesty and Exploring and Learning.
Programming – Scratch Jr.
This half term the children will be learning what the blocks on Scratch Jr do and will be using them to write code to create different short animations. The first will be an animation of an animal moving, the second will be two characters retelling a joke and the final project will be creating a short animation of a familiar fairy tale.
Stop Motion
This half term the children will be creating their own stop motion animations using ipads. The children will create their own story about a spaceship and will work in pairs to capture their stop motion images.
The children will need to come to school wearing their full Mobberley PE kit on a Thursday and Friday this term.
Art is taught on a Tuesday afternoon by Mrs Heath. The children will be draw using storybook illustrations as a stimulus to develop their mark-making. They will explore a wide range of tools and experiment with creating texture to add detail to drawings.
Religious Education
RE is taught on a Monday afternoon by Mrs Heath. The children will be learning about the Christian Church with a focus on Christian values and our own school ethos.
The children will then focus on Incarnation and the Nativity story. They will retell the Nativity story and think about what the visit of the magi tells us about Jesus and why Jesus is considered a King by Christians.
My Happy Mind
We will continue to use My Happy Mind to help children develop their awareness of their own strengths and wellbeing.
My Happy Mind is taught across five modules and each introduces a new set of content and habits to help children build resilience, self-esteem and confidence.
Meet Your Brain
Understanding how your brain works and how to ensure we look after it so that we can manage our emotions and be at our best. Growth mindset is a key part of this too.
Understanding your unique character strengths and learning to celebrate them. This is a fantastic module for building self esteem.
Understanding why gratitude matters and how you can develop gratitude as a habit. Gratitude is key to well-being and resilience and we’re all about making it a habit!
Understanding why positive relationships matter and how to build them. We’re focussed on the building blocks of good relationships and friendships.
Understanding how to set meaningful goals that matter and how to keep resilient in times of challenge. This module is all about building self esteem and resilience too.
Maths Game Links