We benefit from being part of a thriving community who are very generous in offering support to the school. All parents are members of the Parent Teacher Association known as the Friends of Mobberley School, which fundraises for the benefit of all the children. Many parents and community members also support us with their skills, including sports, hobbies and business talents. Our governing body of parents, staff, community members, church representatives and professionals from the public sector and business communities, give us their time and expertise freely. We work with organisations whose support helps us with wider aspects of school life including: pastoral care, school health, child protection, out of school child care, and attendance. The relationships we have built with the wider community, provide exceptional opportunities in the arts, environment, business, travel, sports, etc. in preparation for life beyond our school, including the transition to secondary school. Join us at our community events: Harvest Festival celebrations at St. Wilfrid’s Church, Christmas Fair at the School or Victory Hall, and Summer Fair, among many others.