School Council

Mobberley School Council

Our school council is made up of pupil representatives from each class. Each member is nominated and voted for by classmates. The school council has a very important leadership role as the members articulate the pupil voice within school decision making.

The council meets regularly with Mr Stenson and discusses issues important to the children in classrooms and on the playgrounds. The members of the school council will regularly undertake focused pupil surveys (learning walks) to investigate the views of their fellow pupils. The findings are written up and presented to Mr Stenson and Governors in subsequent meetings. The findings are vitally important to help the school develop and move forward.

The pupil council take their roles seriously and they know they are valued school leaders who make a difference.

Student Council Learning Walk – Safeguarding Oct 24

Pupil Council Learning Walk – School Dinners Autumn Term 24

Knutsford Pupil Council

Two members of the Mobberley school council represent the school at the termly meetings of Knutsford Pupil Council. This is a body made up of all the local schools in the Knutsford area. The children meet to discuss areas of common interest and how children can make a difference in the local area. Recent initiatives have included the Knutsford Sustainable Business Award:

Knutsford Pupul Council Award for Sustainable Business