
English Intent

We believe that the development of language and literacy skills are a fundamental part of our everyday learning and teaching. Our curriculum will teach pupils to speak and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others and through their reading and listening, others can communicate with them.

Children are exposed to high quality literature to inspire their own writing and to model engaging uses of the English language. Through the critique of these texts, children develop their oral comprehension skills. Imagination and originality are nurtured through exploration, discussion and drama. Spelling, punctuation, grammar and phonics teaching ensure that children have the skills and confidence to develop their writing style across a range of genres and in varied contexts.

Our ambition is to develop pupil’s abilities within an integrated programme of Speaking & Listening, Reading and Writing. Pupils will be given opportunities to practice these skills within a broad and balanced approach to the teaching of English across the curriculum, with opportunities to consolidate and reinforce taught skills.

Our ambitions:

  • To deliver the statutory National Curriculum (2014) in an exciting and accessible way with high expectations of the children.
  • To provide children with meaningful, engaging contexts for reading and writing.
  • To read and write with confidence, fluency and understanding, orchestrating a range of independent strategies to self-edit and improve.
  • To use grammar, punctuation and spelling correctly to attain high levels of Writing.
  • To write with fluent, legible joined handwriting and take pride in the presentation of their work.
  • To provide children with the necessary skills to become competent, confident and creative users of the English language and to prepare them for secondary school and further in life.
  • To nurture children who will leave school with an interest and passion for language and literature.

Mobberley English Policy 

Please see our English policy – English Policy 2023

The National Curriculum (2014) has identified the objectives to be covered for each paired year group (Year 1 & 2, Year 3 & 4, Year 5 & 6). These have then been mapped into individual year groups as a Long Term Plan to ensure coverage and progression. Medium term planning is then undertaken by class teachers and monitored by the English Lead. Teachers then plan on a weekly basis in response to the needs of the children within each class.

We teach English in daily lessons across the school, with phonics lessons being taught in EYFS and Key Stage 1, spellings being taught at the start of each English lesson in Key Stage 2. In addition, SPaG is taught through English lessons or discrete sessions in Upper Key Stage 2.  A clear lesson objective and success criteria are a feature of all English lessons. Working walls may support learning in the classrooms. Evaluative marking is used and Assessment informs planning.

Speaking and Listening at Mobberley 

Pupils are taught to articulate their thoughts and ideas out loud and to communicate what they know and understand. Pupils answer questions with a partner, comment on each other’s ideas, clarify each other’s thinking, and build upon each other’s thoughts and ideas. The teacher asks questions to take their thinking further and clears up any misconceptions. Partner discussion helps teachers assess what and how pupils are learning throughout the lesson.

Please see our Speaking and Listening Progression Document – Speaking and Listening Progression

Writing at Mobberley

Writing Intent – Writing Intent

We aim to ensure progression of writing skills across the school, using the objectives outlined in the National Curriculum. Opportunities are provided for children to write for real purposes and audiences and to write for a sustained period of time each week across Key Stage 1 and 2 using key skills and processes that are essential for writing – Planning, Drafting and Writing, Evaluating and Editing, Proof Reading and Reading Aloud to Others. Extended writing opportunities are also provided across the curriculum. Teachers model high standards of writing to secure high expectations and enthuse writers. The children are taught to recognise the range of social functions that writing can perform e.g. persuade, instruct, inform, and entertain which enables the children to demonstrate the ability to choose the appropriate form and content to suit the purpose and audience.

Writing Pathway – Writing Pathway


Spelling Lesson Pathway – Spelling Pathway

We firmly believe that good spelling is an essential skill and an integral part of children’s reading and writing development. Spellings allow children to communicate their understanding in all curriculum subjects. In order for pupils to develop into effective and confident writers they need to develop and use a range of effective spelling strategies. By providing the children with a range of strategies we equip them with the independence to attempt spellings before asking for adult help.

We are in the process of developing a new spelling programme within school. We have developed a programme that allows children to spot sounds within words, peer test and peer assess each other’s spellings, analyse sounds within spellings and focusing on phonemes and graphemes.  Classes will continue with the weekly adult led spelling test with the words and sounds they have been practicing all week. Spellings are taught at


Handwriting and presentation is expected to be of a high standard throughout the whole school. It is developed using a consistent and coherent approach, confidence, accuracy and fluency using a cursive method of handwriting called ‘The Mobberley Style’.

Correct letter formation is taught from the start in Reception and cursive handwriting is taught from Year 1 onwards in handwriting lessons. This is taught systematically and regularly.

Please see our Writing Progression including Handwriting, Spelling, Vocabulary, Punctuation and Grammar. Writing Progression

Reading at Mobberley

Reading Intent – Reading Intent

Classrooms and school areas provide a print rich environment with a range of texts for the children to encounter. There are opportunities for pupils to experience print around them through classroom notices, labels and signs and these take a variety of forms such as single words, phrases and complete sentences. All classrooms have a class library of books which are well organised and easily accessible as well as reading areas. All adults are good role models for children in modelling both reading aloud and silent reading. A team approach is crucial to developing a reading culture within the school.

Phonics is taught through the Letters and Sounds scheme. Children in EYFS and KS1 receive daily Phonics lessons following the review-teach-practice-apply approach. Classrooms have visual displays, as well as sound mats on every table for the children to access when needed. Children are regularly assessed on the Phonics Tracker tool and parents are informed of progress. Those children who may require additional intervention are identified early and supported 1 to 1 or in small groups. Children take home decodable reading books every night, which allow them to apply their phonic knowledge as the route to decode unfamiliar words. Reading workshops are held every year to help and support parents listening to their children read at home.

Please see our whole school reading progression. – Reading Progress

Pre-Loved Book Sale 2023



