Platinum School Games Mark
We are very proud to announce that we were awarded the PLATINUM School Games Mark for the year 2021-22. This award is given for a wide range of sporting opportunities within school, exciting events for children to take part in and of course keeping children as active as possible.
We will be reapplying for our School Games Mark in 2024 and can’t wait to again share all of the wonderful things we get up to in Mobberley.

Let Girls Play

We are thrilled to have been nominated for a ‘Let Girls Play’ award for our contribution to girls’ football in England. This wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work of our wonderful girls’ footballers as well as the consistent passion, support and organisation of Mrs Haselden and Mrs Pearson.
Click the link below to see the winners of the award when they are announced:
League Placing – End of Year
As part of our cluster of schools, we play a number of football and netball events.
At the end of the year 22-23, our mixed football team won silver!
At the end of the year 22-23, our mixed netball team won gold!
Well done everybody for your hard work and dedication.