Forest School
Forest School Questionnaire
Parents and children In Year 1 were asked about their experience of Forest School and here are their results:

Parents and children In Year 2 were asked about their experience of Forest School and here are their results:

What has your child said about Forest School?
- She really enjoys the mud kitchen and climbing the tree. She talks about the rules and boundaries of forest school.
- She loves forest school and is so excited when she knows it’s forest school day. She says she’s learnt about foxes and hedgehogs and how to make a fire. She says she’s learnt about different birds. She loved making treats such as toasted marshmallow and bananas!
- She loves being in this area, she enjoys being in a small team and doing nature driven tasks
- Loved it all, didn’t stop talking about it.
- That they enjoy it and love being outside
- She absolutely loves forest school and insists on getting her wellies ready the night before, she can’t wait to tell me everything she’s done that day and has even suggested ideas of things she’s learnt that we could do at home or when out about in the forest.
- He enjoys being outdoors, working with his peers
- That it’s really fun to get outside of the classroom and make things from nature
- He loves it, and often talks about the things he’s learnt or experienced.
- Really enjoyed it!!
- She loved every aspect of it- from climbing trees to roasting marshmallows of course!
- Safety – not to eat berries, mushrooms could be poisonous, don’t climb trees, not to touch fire if drop marshmallow in it. Creative skills. Did painting mud pictures using different colours from the forest
- Loves the freedom of outside
- My daughter loves forest school, she looks forward to it and enjoys all the activities. I feel very lucky that she can experience something like this in her school. Thank you
- It’s the best day!
- Finding birds eggs
- Learning about plants
- Having hot chocolate
- It’s been the most fun activity this school year!
- They love it! They especially enjoy climbing the trees
- She has really enjoyed forest school and she wishes she could keep going.
- She really enjoys forest school, it has encouraged her interests in the natural world ( usually the mud would have put her off) and she enjoys the freedom they have to climb and explore.
- They have all said that forest school is the best. Especially when looking for insects.
- Loved it! Enjoyed the freedom of being outside, able to explore and learn about nature.
- That they enjoy going
Is there anything else you would like to say about Forest School?
- My child really enjoys forest school!
- She would like to do it everyday if she could!
- I think all children at the school would benefit
- It has impacted him in a positive way. He has looked forward to it.
- My child in Y4 would also love to experience forest school, can it be opened up to the older year groups?
- Some years I.e. year 3 have not had chance to benefit from forest school (outside of the enrichment days) this year and have been quite disappointed. I’m hoping they will get the opportunity in year 4.
- The children have absolutely loved getting out doors and I think this is a real benefit that Mobberley school has to offer. Mrs Millington has co ordinated a fabulous range of activities which especially for year one have allowed them to access the outdoors in a safe environment
- Thank you for providing a way of learning so suited to our child interests and needs.
- Fabulous addition to an already amazing school!
- Seemed like kids really enjoyed it- thank you!
- It is Amazing
- I really hope it continues, thank you for giving the children such a great opportunity.
- Thank you! It’s amazing to offer it x
- Having forest school is a huge benefit to the children and something that should be incorporated as much as possible into their schooling. The more the better!
- Roll out to all years!
- She really enjoyed the activities in forest school and she has really enjoyed roasting marshmallows and making smores.
- I think Mrs Millington has done a fantastic job and the forest school sessions are an excellent addition to the school.
- I think it’s a fantastic opportunity for the children to get out in all weather to experience nature and learn new things.
- Our child really enjoyed forest school, being outside of the classroom learning about nature amongst other things without even realising it! Hands on learning at its best! Well done to everyone involved and thank you for all your hard work.