
At Mobberley School, we have carefully designed a curriculum which is both broad and balanced. It has a richness of diverse experiences both inside and outside the classroom. It provides opportunities for children to build up their knowledge and key skills through sequenced learning and progression within topics of study.

We base our curriculum on the needs of the children in our distinctive area of Mobberley.

Each heading: SELF, WORLD, OPPORTUNITY and THRIVE reflects the needs/values/attributes of our children and the deliberate emphasis placed upon aspects of our curriculum intent.  These are the ‘PILLARS’ upon which full achievement of each child’s potential are based.

We have 12 areas of deliberative emphasis within our curriculum: Faith, Sensitivity, Independence, Care, Diversity, Responsibility, Academic Study, Sport and Wellbeing, Creativity, Confidence, Ability and Friendship. These are our ‘Curriculum Drivers’ which overarch all our teaching and activities. With deliberate emphasis on these areas, we endeavour to form young people into being well-rounded, articulate, global citizens with Christian Values at the core of their being. More information on our ‘Curriculum Intent’ can be found below.


Drivers 1



A number of published curriculum schemes are used as a basis for planned activities. Each scheme has been carefully selected as being appropriate for our overall curriculum intent. We often supplement planned scheme activities and offer enrichment opportunities throughout our topic areas to really ‘bring learning to life.’

The following schemes of work are used:

Mathematics – White Rose Maths, Active Maths, Times-Table Rock Stars, Numbots and MyMaths

English – Letters and Sounds (Phonics)

RE – Fruits and Shoots (Collective Worship) Chester Diocese Planned Scheme and Cheshire East Locally Agreed Syllabus

Music – Sing Up, Love Music Trust

PE/Games – iMoves

Art – Kapow

D&T – Kapow

Computing – Kapow

Languages – National Primary Language Network Scheme Of Work