Here at Mobberley, we believe that our maths curriculum will nurture a love for maths through a secure knowledge of key skills. We aim to develop confident mathematicians at problem solving and reasoning, while exploring links to the world around us with cross curricular maths. We aim to develop the children’s problem solving, resilience and reflective skills – skills that are easily transferable across the curriculum.
Maths Policy: maths-policy-2023 2024
Click the WRM title ABOVE for THE Yearly Overviews
As a school, we have decided to follow White Rose Maths. The White Rose scheme of learning is designed to support a mastery approach to teaching and learning, as well as to support the aims and objectives of the National Curriculum. The White Rose scheme has number at its heart and a lot of time is spent reinforcing number to build competency. It also provides opportunities to build reasoning and problem-solving into each lesson. White Rose believes that all children, who are introduced to a concept, should have the opportunity to build on their abilities by following a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach.
Please see the White Rose Maths progression and how this incorporates the National Curriculum Progression/Development Matters and ELG and Ready to Progress
See how the White Rose Maths curriculum links to the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 National Curriculum and EYFS ELG and Development Matters, and how it progresses through the topics.
The progression helps class teachers see what to cover in their year group and what is taught in other years.
Concrete – Children should have the opportunity to use mathematical objects to help them envisage what written numbers represent.

Pictorial – Children should have the opportunity to use pictures as representations to continue to support them in visualising what written numbers represent.

Abstract – Abstract learning is the use of digits and words to represent numbers.
Calculation Policy
Our school calculation policy shows how abstract learning builds upon a good foundation of concrete and pictorial methods.
Also the NEW Updated White Rose Calculation Policy for Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication and Division:
White Rose Calculation Policy Add/Subtract
White Rose Calculation Policy Multiply/Divide
Times Tables and Number Skills at Mobberley
To supplement our learning here at Mobberley, children have access to various learning platforms including Times Table Rock Stars and NumBots.
By Year 4, children should be able to recall their multiplication facts up to 12 x 12. To help them develop these skills, children can log on to TTRS using their username and password.
On Times Table Rockstars, pupils can practice their tables. They are then able to improve their Rock Speed and climb the Rockstar ranks! The online games reward children with virtual coins for each correct answer, which they enjoy spending on upgrading their personal rock avatar.
NumBots is an online game and playing little and often will significantly improve your child’s recall and understanding of number bonds and addition and subtraction facts. Children can access NumBots using their username and password for TTRS.
Children access these both at home and in school.
Active Maths (formally Maths of the Day)
At Mobberley, we celebrate the benefits of active learning in the classroom through our use of Active Maths in our classrooms. The benefits are widely acknowledged in a variety of areas of the curriculum. Not only does it allow core curriculum subjects such as maths to be taught in a fun and engaging way, but also increases physical activity in children.
Maths Playground
More games for children to access here at Math playground. Problem solving, reasoning, arithmetic as well as shape, space and measure games can be found here.

Multiplication Games (CLICK HERE)
A selection of free games for all abilities to test their times table knowledge.