
Science at Mobberleyscience at mobberley

Science Policy 2020 Mobberley

The national curriculum for science aims to ensure that all pupils: 

  • develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics 
  • develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them 
  • are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.

Our science curriculum aims to develop a student’s knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Our curriculum encourages students to question and explore concepts within Biology, Physics and Chemistry through experiments and research.  We aspire for all children to be equipped with the science skills to support them in the modern world.

Science in Mobberley is taught in discrete lessons allowing the students to fully engage in their scientific learning. Within each topic, students are encouraged to explore scientific ideas through practical investigations. From kS1, children are involved in the planning of investigations. At KS2, this extends to students using investigations to ask and answer their own questions allowing them to take ownership of their learning.

Within each science topic, teachers create links between the learning and scientists of the past and present. This allows students to reflect on the importance of scientific discoveries and the impact they have had own their own lives. This also aims to increase students aspirations within science.

Students complete a pre and post assessment task for each of their topics and teachers use formative assessment throughout a topic to monitor the progress of each child. Key vocabulary is highlighted on displays in the classroom and on topic front covers. Each year group is also provided with a scientific dictionary. Any data handling work is linked to the Maths national curriculum creating a cross-curricular link between the two subjects.

Please click on the link below too see our progression chart for science across the school

Progression chart and end points (content and sequencing sheet)


What do Mobberley Primary School pupils think of their science lessons?

“I really like that our learning is broken down into chunks and then we have an experiment at the end which is linked to our learning.” Year 4 pupil

“I enjoy doing the experiments and getting to use different equipment.” Year 2 pupil

“I like completing the whole school science homework tasks as I find them interesting.” Year 6 pupil

STEM Week – 5th,6th and 7th January 2022

Whole school engineering homework. Watch the video below to see what your challenge for this week is!

For this years STEM week we are joining with ‘All About STEM’ and ‘Reading Rocks’ for a reading is STEMsational week with an engineering focus.



As part of the week, all of the classes will be provided with a set of curated books that are linked to the science national curriculum based around the theme of engineering. Teachers will use these books in both their English and Science lessons and use them as a springboard to link with other lessons that week.

The aim of this week is to increase the science capital of all pupils by getting them to engage with science in a wider context. It has been shown that the more science capital a pupil has, they are more likely to be engaged in science lessons.

For a full explanation of science capital watch the video below


What do Science lessons look like at Mobberley?

real world learning









Planning experiments










Links to Maths









key scientists









hands on science