Year 4

Teacher Name

Mrs Whalley and Mrs Barker

Welcome to Year 4

My name is Mrs Whalley and I teach Year 4 along with Mrs Barker (on Tuesdays).  I am also Deputy Head and Maths and KS2 Lead for the school.

This Summer Term 1 your children will be learning about The Romans in History and Sound in Science.

Please look at the Year 4 summer timetable below, so you can see what your child is doing each day:

Please continue to read with your child at home and write in their reading record when completed.

Please find some advice here to support your child with their reading at home:

Our PE day is Thursday.  This term in the morning, we will be taking part in PE games and in the afternoon we will be swimming at Knutsford Leisure Centre.

Please contact me if you have any questions, my email is


Summer 1 Week 1: Week 1 slides  words

Summer 1 Week 2: Week 2 slides words

Summer 1 Week 3: Week 3 slides words


Spring 2 Week 1: Week 1 slides words

Spring 2 Week 2: Week 2 slides words


Spring 1 Week 1: Week 1 slides words

Spring 1 Week 2: Week 2 slides words

Spring 1 Week 3: Week 3 slides words

Spring 1 Week 4: Week 4 slides words

Spring 1 Week 5: Week 5 slides words


Autumn 2 Week 1: Week 1 slides  words

Autumn 2 Week 2: Week 2 slides words

Autumn 2 Week 3: Week 3 slides words

Autumn 2 Week 4: Week 4 slides  words

Autumn 2 Week 5: Week 5 slides  words

Autumn 2 Week 6: Week 6 slides   words

Autumn 2 Week 7: Week 7 slides  words


Autumn 1 Week 1: Week 1 slides   words

Autumn 1 Week 2: Week 2 slides   words

Autumn 1 Week 3: Week 3 slides  words

Autumn 1 Week 4: Week 4 slides  words

Autumn 1 Week 5: Week 5 slides  words

Autumn1 Week 6: Week 6 slides  words

Year 3/4 Statutory Spelling List: Year 3/4 Spelling list

Multiplication Check Year 4

Practise your timestables: Times tables games – Learn them all here! (click here)

Parents Information PowerPoint: Year_4_Multiplication_Tables_Check_2024

Please use the following websites to help with timestables practice.

Multiplication Tables Check – Mathsframe

Multiplication Tables Check – 2022 –

Timestables Resources to use at home

Timestables Activity Pack


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